Tonight I am thankful for many things:
My family and friends. Who, without fail, are the best around. Nobody better. Nobody.
A job that has solid FMLA leave with short-term disability. We are looking at a total of 8 weeks bed rest, 6-8 weeks in the NICU and then any time needed to take care of Noah once he arrives home. I don't yet know what is covered after my post-partum recovery time, but I'm thankful that I have a job that works with me, supports me and treats me like family. Only getting partial pay is scary and we don't know what bills will come or what to expect. But having a supportive company behind me is one less stresser in the pile.
I know I said family and friends, but I want to add a special line for Greg and Grace. Greg - who never complains, not once, about taking care of Grace. He's got to be exhausted, frustrated at times and overwhelmed; yet he never takes that out on her or I. He spoils me - bringing treats and food from home, special dinners, pictures and clean blankets and undies. When he sees my faith slipping, he calmly suggests I talk to our pastor. When he sees me getting hangry for some random pregnancy craving, he figures out a way to get that to me ASAP. He's a provider, a nurturer and a wonderful father and husband. God sure knew what he was doing when He sent Rick into my life, who bugged me until I finally gave in and dated his cousin. :)
And I'm thankful for a God who forgives me when I'm angry, resentful and selfish. Because I have certainly had my moments where I am all three of those lately. My faith is what is carrying me through the darkness. And your prayers are keeping our family afloat.
Blessed today and every day.
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