Noah Update:
Our little sweetheart has doubled his birth weight (and then some!) and is tipping the scales at 3 pounds, 8 ounces today.
He's almost regulated his body temperature enough that he should move to an open air crib in a week or so.
Feedings are going really well! He's both breastfeeding and bottle feeding and can make it 20 or so minutes before wearing himself out. His face, arms and legs are slowly starting to plump up. The next step is to get his feedings on "ad lib" where he directs every feeding time. And get that stinking NG tube out! It's going to be a while before we get there but he's working hard!
We'll know more about his liver levels on Monday.
Noah has so much personality and is an absolute joy to be around. We can't wait to get him home! Right now we are still shooting for a Christmas homecoming.
When he gets home, we'll have a visiting nurse who will monitor him for a while.
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