Sunday, December 14, 2014

56 days and nights

After 56 days in the NICU, we are happy to announce that Noah is coming home tomorrow!!!!!!  
We are so very excited!!  Grace will finally be able to meet her little brother. 

His birth weight was 1 pound, 10 ounces and he is now 4 pounds exactly.  He's overcome ventilators, feeding tubes and grown like a champ.  Noah has shown us what a true miracle looks like. 

This experience has been filled with prayer, hope and joy.  There were tears of sadness, of fear and of happiness.  We could not have made it through without the support of our family and friends.  We are absolutely surrounded by the best people in the world.  Thank you all so very much for everything.  We give thanks daily to God for all the blessings in our lives.  

I just can't wait to have my family all under one roof!  

We will continue to document his journey at

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Almost home?

Noah is officially 3 pounds, 10 ounces!  That's two whole pounds more than he weighed at birth. 

He's taking every feeding orally (through breastfeeding or bottle feeding), but still has his feeding tube in and will for a little longer.  He'll be in an open air crib before we know it!

Greg and I visited him yesterday for bath night.  He fell sound asleep in his daddy's arms after bath and dinner.  :)

The nurses are already talking about how much they'll miss him which is a sign that our little bird will hopefully fly home soon!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 47

Today is Day 47 of Noah's NICU stay. The time passes both excruciatingly slow and extremely fast.  I'm blessed to spend my days with him and my nights with Grace but I'll be a happy mom when my entire family is under one roof.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Noah Update

Noah Update:

Our little sweetheart has doubled his birth weight (and then some!) and is tipping the scales at 3 pounds, 8 ounces today. 

He's almost regulated his body temperature enough that he should move to an open air crib in a week or so.   

Feedings are going really well! He's both breastfeeding and bottle feeding and can make it 20 or so minutes before wearing himself out.  His face, arms and legs are slowly starting to plump up.  The next step is to get his feedings on "ad lib" where he directs every feeding time.  And get that stinking NG tube out! It's going to be a while before we get there but he's working hard!

We'll know more about his liver levels on Monday. 

Noah has so much personality and is an absolute joy to be around.  We can't wait to get him home! Right now we are still shooting for a Christmas homecoming.

When he gets home, we'll have a visiting nurse who will monitor him for a while.