Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Angels Of The NICU

Today I ran into my high risk maternal fetal medicine doctor. What do you say to the man who saved your son? Who did what it took to keep him safe inside me for as long as humanly possible? I think of the NICU nurses and Noah's Neonatal team with that same reverence.

How do you properly thank those angels who dedicate their lives so that when my son needed to be kept alive, they were there, ready to step in, take over and carry him when I no longer could.

To say I am grateful is the biggest understatement of the century. I am humbled and so very thankful.
As I snuggle with Noah in my arms, not wanting to put him in his bed, wanting to stare at his perfect pouty lips and his ears that look just like Greg's, or his delicate little eyelashes... I can't help but feel blown away by it all.

We are here, on the other side. About to celebrate a normal holiday like a regular family. No more high risk, no more NICU. Sure, we have therapists and more appointments than we can count, but those are just details.

So for now, I'll carry my thankfulness in my heart and stare in awe at this perfect little miracle I am blessed to call mine.