Saturday, September 27, 2014

Who Knew Bed Rest Was Exhausting?

Today has been a whirlwind.   I got a great night's sleep and was able to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.   On top of that, I got new sheets and took a 20 minute hot shower, my first in 3 days.  (yikes!) 

I have a new accessory - special leg blower-upper-thingies to keep me from getting clots while I am on bed rest.   The good news is that I can get up, within reason, and walk around, so I get a break from them.  :)  But I have to have them on while I'm in bed.  Remind me to paint my nails when I get a breather! 

I had a nursing student shadowing me today for most of the day, so things were BUSY.   Sarah and I hit it off really well and she even came back later to meet Greg and Grace.   Looking forward to seeing her back here throughout my visit (I'll need to get a picture!)  She has to do a case study on a high risk, long term stay patient and the poor thing drew the short straw. ;)  (Really, she's an absolute angel and we were instant friends)

The ultrasound tech came in this morning and spent a long time going over things - I was getting worried because she was having trouble getting some shots she needed.  Specifically she couldn't get him taking practice breaths.  But she assured me it's not abnormal for a 27 weeker to NOT do them all day long. 

Later on, the MFM Dr. came in and while he wasn't all smiles, we didn't get any BAD news.   Noah is still not getting the blood flow he needs, but it has increased some.   They feel it's because of the steroids and similar to getting a false-negative.  It's GOOD that it's increased but it's not sustainable.  He also gets tested on a scale of 1-10 every day.   Yesterday he was an 8 and today he is a 6.  That's... okay.  But again, not sustainable.   But the good news is that he is still okay to stay put.   Even if it gets WORSE, he can stay put until they say it's time to take him.  They'll increase the amount of ultrasounds and monitoring we do and then take it hour by hour.   

But for now, he's staying put.   
The four of them came up and brought me hope, friendship, love and good cheer. They also spoiled me today with donuts, Kringle, bagels, flowers and gifts. My tank was full once again and just having them here helped more than words can express.   Please excuse my silly faces. Ha! 

The best part of my morning was a visit from four special people.   This weekend is little Owen's first birthday party.   As a surprise, our friend Amber was flying up from Texas with her daughter Madelyn so that they could surprise Owen's momma Bridget.  (Follow me?)   Little Madelyn is just over 6 months old now and her Wisconsin family has been dying to meet her.  Little did we know I'd be here in the hospital at the same time.  Talk about being a huge blessing just when I needed it.  Amber has always brought peace to my life, she's a huge calm in the middle of any storm.  And Bridget?  You just know she'll always take care of you and she's got this huge, amazing heart and always just knows the right thing to say or do to make you feel special - she always seems to know what's in my heart as well.   

Greg brought Gracie up tonight too! This weeks has been an extra blessing because starting next week, we decided that they'll only come up on Tuesday, Thursday and the weekend to try and stick to the best routine we can for them both.  We'll Skype every night and talk on the phone.  This way, no one burns out before the really tough part comes; the NICU stay.  Greg brought up clean clothes, my favorite foods and bags for hot tea.  AND my doTERRA oils, which are MUCH appreciated (and already being put to good use).  And we all got some family snuggles in and ordered take out.  My heart broke once again when they left, but I know that each goodbye will get easier and won't hurt as much.  Greg's doing an amazing job taking care of her and I know he's got a huge support system already in place to fill in the cracks and give him a break when he needs a breather.  

While my spirits are good today, it was a tough one.  I miss Greg and Grace and they've only been gone an hour.  I'm feeling raw and vulnerable today.   Tomorrow brings new hope and a fresh start.   We will stay the course and plow ahead.   We both know that God's plan is a good one and that we have the prayers of many lifting us up.  Monday or Tuesday, we hope to meet with the NICU team once again and talk transitions - for both Noah and myself, as I'll be recovering from a c-section.  We'll hopefully have a heads up on how to prepare the house for bringing home a preemie too.  All of that is just details and it can all wait, but I think just talking through it will ease our stress and anxiety.

To leave you on a happy note, I was spoiled again today - this time by Aunt Kat.   Check out these beautiful flowers and her touching instructions.  :) 

My view is this now - and while I'm looking forward to watching the leaves change, I'm sad that it means I will miss out on the pumpkin farm and fall family photos we had planned.   But Noah is worth every sacrifice we make now.  He'll have YEARS of falls to take photos with and go to the pumpkin farm with.  And I'm sure Greg will take lots of photos when he takes Gracie.  

And since we still have an inside baby, life is good!  

Love you all! 

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